Friday, May 3, 2019

Final Blog Reflection

Lauren Mazich
Final Blog Reflection
Blogging Stats

Technology is becoming a prominent part of our society these days. With that being said, many people commonly release their thoughts, feelings and actions onto sources such as social media or blogging pages. In fact Internet users spend 3x more time on blogs than they do on email. Not only is blogging a good spot to release your thoughts and emotions, but blogging is also a way to influence people. Buyers have the option to look at blogs before making a purchase and can sway the buyer's decision to go either way based on the content of the blog.

Blogs can also be based on your interests. Therefore, when a person creates a blog, they can put whatever they want on it whenever they want. For example, it is common to see girls create a blog page based on make up. This blog page normally consists of girls giving tutorials how to do make up or the kind of stuff they use. This makes it easy for people of this interest to look for tips that could potentially help them.

Blogging has also changed the way we communicate with one another. With the ability to comment on a blogger's post, it is very easy to strike up a conversation with someone based on a certain topic. Something as simple as this can lead to finding people that have the same mutual interests as you.

Overall, with my personal experience of blogging this semester, I found it to be a convenient way of expressing thoughts on specific topics. For most  posts, we did have assigned tasks to answer, but these blog posts from the class express how differently everybody thinks as everyone had their own thoughts, feelings and emotions on these topics. There were also times in which we have the opportunity to blog about what ever which wanted which also expressed a lot of freedom as everyone picked topics of interest and put their own twist on it.

My advice to anyone who has to do this in the future is to make sure you stay on top on your blog posts and dont fall behind. It is very easy to "Ill do it later" and then its already next week and you have two blogs to do. This chain reaction is easy to keep going if you put off your assignment longer than you should be.

Overall blogging was a unique experience for me and was definitely a different form of expressing my thoughts, feelings and emotions in ways that I normally dont express them.

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Final Blog Reflection

Lauren Mazich Final Blog Reflection Blogging Stats Technology is becoming a prominent part of our society these days. With that being...