Monday, April 29, 2019

Privacy Online and Off

Privacy Online and Off
Lauren Mazich
Risks of Social Media

Technology and Social Media continue to take over our lives and have a strong impact on our daily functions. Many people tend to post about what is going on in their life thinking it is only their followers that are able to view their posts. After viewing these TED videos, that is most definitely not the case. For example, if a post is made on Facebook, it will forever be on Facebook. When you think you delete a post, it may be off of your page, but it is never actually gone. This factor can make social media dangerous. These posts that you want or thought were deleted are forever kept within the files of computers and can come back to haunt you.

Facebook also has the ability to track your likes, interests and anything else from your profile that you once thought was secure information. Facebook uses this information to target people with ads that they think they would want on their feed and earn money for their companies. To make ads even more applicable for your interests, Facebook is also able to track your location. With this ability, not only do they always know where you are, but they can also put ads on your feed for stores or companies in your surrounding area.

With all of these different abilities to track your location and keep records of your different interests, likes and pages visited, it is safe to say that Facebook almost controls us. Many users do not think of this while they are just scrolling through their news feeds, but every movement you make on social media is tracked. With most of this information not being publicized, it is important that users realize and take into consideration what they are signing up for before they make an account.

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