Friday, April 5, 2019


Lauren Mazich

This past week a 21 year old student passed away after getting into a car in which she thought was her uber. After a long night of partying, Samantha's friends sent her home by herself when she was drunk but she never actually made it home. It was around 2 am when Samantha was walking the streets alone, waiting for her uber to come. A car pulled up and she entered not thinking twice about it. Before she knew it, the child safety locks were activated in the car and she could not escape.

Samantha's roommates became concerned when they never heard back from her later that night which they found very odd of her. Samantha also had work the next morning and was not present. Her boss had not heard anything from her which he also found suspicious. Reports were made to the police that she was missing.

Later that day the police received a call from two turkey hunters reporting a body found in the middle of a wooded area, about 40 feet off a dirt road. It is claimed that it was an area in which you had to know where you were going to know it existed. After investigation, it was proved to be Samantha's body.

The following night the police found the same vehicle that matched the description of the vehicle that Samantha got into about two blocks down from the previous night. The vehicle got pulled over and the driver quickly escaped but was chased down. There was blood covering the front seat and truck of the car which matched up to be Samantha's. There was also liquid bleach, germ wipes, and window cleaner found in the vehicle. Driver Nathaniel Rowland has been arrested on charges of murder and kidnapping.

To prevent future events of situations like this Samantha's family and friends have started the #WhatsMyName campaign. It is suggested that before entering a rideshare company car that you match the license plate with the one on your phone, match the picture of the driver with the one in the car and before entering the car ask the driver "Whats my name" to ensure that it is in fact the correct car picking you up. These safety precautions will help reduce events like this from occurring. 

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