Monday, January 28, 2019

My Top 5 News Sources

My Top 5 News Sources

ESPN is a great way to easily follow all of the current sport headlines happening in the sports world today. ESPN is very easy to follow as they have numerous ways of interaction such as a TV network, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. These different access points make it convenient to get the latest news and biggest
headlines in sports. 

Twitter is an easy social media network to interact with others and follow major happenings around the world. This social media network can be set up in a way to receive notifications every time your favorite accounts tweets which gives you the ability to see the tweet instantly. Twitter also has a great sense of virtual community during tough times. For example, after the numerous mass shootings in the United States over the years, Twitter has been a common area for people to come together and express their emotions. 

Fox News
Fox News is also a reliable source to hear about the current headlines in your area. This news station can range anywhere from local news, sports and weather forecasts for your area. Fox can be accessed through various ways such as television or through the app on a smart phone which can give you instant updates on current headlines

Instagram is also another way to find out different headlines about different topics. Even though Instagram is not a heavy news headline social media account, this network makes it easy to follow other accounts and interact with others in various ways to find out what is happening around you. 

Facebook is not as common as it used to be, but it is still a reliable way to find out information. Facebook makes it easy to post articles and make it visible to your friends and followers to see. This social media network also makes it simple to follow your favorite accounts and get the latest news on your favorite topics. 

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