Monday, March 25, 2019

iOS 13...Lucky or not?

iOS 13... Lucky or Not? 

This coming Summer, Apple will be releasing their newest iOS update to all Apple products bringing some potential big changes. Some of these new functions will effect how we will use our phones consistently, while some of these other changes may not be so much of a factor. While this update with yet again try to attempt to extend battery life, there are some other fun features that come along with it.

Some of these little improvements include things such as taking the volume level popup away. This might not seem like a huge change, but now when you go to adjust your volume, you can continue using your screen instead of waiting for those extra few seconds for the volume level screen to go away. Another small improvement is Siri. Siri is still a fairly new concept and still has plenty of room for improvements. With this update, Siri will now have the ability to automatically send a text message explaining why you declined a call. Depending on the type a car a person has, they have the option to see various responses to send to the caller, one in which is your current location.

This update with also include some new updates that will be beneficial. For example, you will now have the ability to snooze alarms. It happens to everyone; you forget to turn your alarm off on a day you finally get to sleep in and it wakes you up. With this new feature, you can snooze your alarm for a certain amount of time, for example a week, and then after that week is over your alarm will continue as scheduled. Lastly, another change that should benefit a lot of users is the ability to search for emojis. We all ave those emojis that we want to use but can never find; however, with this new update we will have the opportunity to search for emojis we want to use.

All in all, this new iOS update might be a bit of a change for us and will take some time to get used to. However, with several new features it is hopeful that this update will continue to bring in more users and make the use of technology even easier and more enjoyable than it was before. 

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