Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Eight Values of Free Expression

Lauren Mazich
Values of Free Expression

Each of these Eight Values of Free Expression serve a distinct purpose in the way we live our lives and they help form our society and the government to be the way it is today. Even though each of these values are important to the way we go about our lives, there was one that particularly stood out to me. The fourth value of expression, Individual Self-Fulfillment, is very important in a society like ours is today.

Individual Self-Fulfillment allows people to express themselves and create their own identity. Nowadays, there are various kinds of people throughout the world; not one person is like another. This value of Free Expression allows an individual to express who they truly are and be themselves around others freely.

Without a value of Free Expression set into place like this, people who feel "different" from society, may not feel comfortable enough to express who they truly are in a public environment. Individual Self-Fulfillment gives a person this ability to be who they are and create a unique identity for themselves, in a public or private environment. This value of expression specifically gives people the comfort to be who they are and truly express that they may be different from one another.

Even though Individual Self-Fulfillment is a very important part of today's society, there are seven other values of free expression that also play significant roles to help our country, the people in our country and businesses within our country function the way they do.

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