Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Rogers Diffusion of Innovations

Rogers Diffusion of Innovation
Lauren Mazich
Fascinating Amazon Stats

Throughout the past several years technology has become a significant part of our everyday lives. We have watched many different companies come and go, while some have succeed and some have failed. The Rogers Diffusion of Innovations tries to help us explain how and why some of these companies are catching on faster than other companies.

A strong example of this trend is Amazon. It was only a few years ago where we knew Amazon as a convenient and dependable place to order online and have it delivered within a reasonable time. Here we are in 2019 and Amazon's share of the US eCommerce market hit 49% which adds up to being 5% of all retail spent across the entire country. The idea of buying a good online was inviting in the early years, and now that this idea has caught on, Amazon continues to make this even easier for its users.

With both net sales and net income being well in the billions, Amazon continues to spread their sites and they are about to open up new Headquarters in Virginia and New York. Nowadays over 95 million people have some level of an Amazon Prime Account. This statistic is mind blowing and all 95 million of the Amazon Prime Users are content until something goes wrong with their ordering or delivery process of a good or service they purchased from Amazon. Even though this has not been too much of an issue yet, Amazon is on a online service, and online services do crash and can even catch a bug or a virus that can lead to more damaging outcomes.

Most business owners have goals to be as big and successful as Amazon has become and is now. However, sometimes being a big name company with millions of users can be more dangerous and can definitely put more pressure on the company to preform at its peak. Many things can go wrong as this company continues to grow and purchase more things along the way; However, Amazon is still creating changes to our society today that have never been seen before such as the first cashier-less stores and the hope to use drones for the use of delivering packages in the near future. Amazon has already made huge strides to taking over the world in the past few years and they continue to come up with strong ideas to capture more users along the way.

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